Now we have Abiko Dojo and
Setagaya Dojo and SetagayaDaini Dojo and MeguroDojo.
We welcome anybody except the following cases.
Abiko Dojo
Anybody O.K.
Setagaya Dojo and SetagayaDaini Dojo and MeguroDojo
Anybody O.K.
Admission fee \6,000-
Fee \4,000- a month
Karate-gi(practice suit) \9,000-(include name fee)
Admission fee \4,000-
Fee \3,000- a month
Karate-gi(practice suit) \8,000-(include name fee)
Please send us a e-mail as the following example or come to dojo directly.
Then we send back to you an application and a written oath, then you enter necessary items
and send them back again or bring them to Dojo.
I want admit Gendai Karate-do Kenkyukai, so send me an application.
Name: Bill Gates
Address:1-1-1 Under Bridge Sumida Tokyo Japan
Occupation:(school):home builder
Other sports:Boxing
Health:have high blood pressure but little.